
Beyond the page - Fullfrontal 2011

Well what an amazing experience fullfrontal was this year. Had lots of fun doing the talk once I got my computer to display the slides (sorry about that). Big thank you to Remy for giving me the opportunity to speak and for putting on Fullfrontal. /> /> /> View more…

Microformats and SEO

This Friday I gave small talk on microformats and SEO at the web agency Fresh Egg. They focus heavily on SEO as part of their offering and have become interested in marking up semantic data in web pages. This year Googles rich snippets have brought a whole new group of…

Choosing the Right Words - Web Intents

I ran a small session at UXCampBrighton last weekend about Web Intents. At the end of the session I was hoping for a discussion about the use of verbs in Web Intents, but the questions where a lot more wide ranging. As people grasped the concept they rightfully asked some…

Web Intents - Gluing web functionality together

There is a new concept forming at the moment called Web Intents. The name is a reference to the Android feature which allows applications to register their “intent” to handle certain types of actions. /> The screenshot above shows all the options for sharing an image on my Android phone.…

Indiewebcamp and Web Intents

In June 2011 I made the journey to IndieWebcamp in Portland where Web Intents became quite a big topic. For an introduction to Web Intents read my last blog post “Web Intents - Gluing web functionally together” On the first day Chris Messina led a discussion that started with the…

The page and the desktop - Skillswap talk

A couple of weeks ago I gave a talk at Brighton Skillswap called “The page and the desktop”. With some of the newer HTML5 APIs it is now possible to redesign how your web pages interact with the desktop. Web pages are all too often little islands that fail to…

Small snippits of shinny ideas and tests

As I build projects I often try out new ideas, these sometimes get lost as I move on to other things. Codebits is a place for small snippits of shinny ideas and tests of all things web. I am going to use it to remind myself of how things work,…

Semantic form mark-up discussion

As part of the mircoformats meet up in Brighton this week a group of us took some time to discuss the semantic mark-up of forms. This was based on my previous thoughts on the subject. We also look at this issue in light of Tantek’s proposal for the version 2…

Experimental Firefox and Chrome extensions to copy and paste contacts

The extensions below allow you to copy, store and then later paste contacts into forms. They are proof of concept prototypes taken from a larger project. I have released the extensions now to help inform the discussion at the upcoming mircoformats meetup. You need either Firefox 4.0+ or the latest…

To quarters four hallo - 4000 year old hello world

The text below is “hello world” translated into Akkadian written in cuneiform script. Cuneiform is one of the earliest known forms of written expression, created on clay tablets using a blunt reed to create wedge shaped marks. T Q 4 H I while ago Brain Suda did a great little…

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