
In reply to this conservation:
Looking at offline data sync models for websites pouchdb and any other I should look at?
@glennjones hit me up for any Hoodie questions you might have.
@janl @glennjones RemoteStorage, Mozilla MakeDrive, ember-sync, and SyncedDB are others I'm aware of. Also, ditto for PouchDB questions. :)

@nolanlawson thanks for the pointers, not seen Mozilla MakeDrive before, interesting project may have use for that for something else

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@glennjones Yeah, I really like their abstraction. Node "fs" in the browser with Dropbox-like sync? Yes please.

Looking at offline data sync models for websites pouchdb and any other I should look at?

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@glennjones hit me up for any Hoodie questions you might have.
@janl @glennjones RemoteStorage, Mozilla MakeDrive, ember-sync, and SyncedDB are others I'm aware of. Also, ditto for PouchDB questions. :)
@nolanlawson thanks for the pointers, not seen Mozilla MakeDrive before, interesting project may have use for that for something else
@glennjones Yeah, I really like their abstraction. Node "fs" in the browser with Dropbox-like sync? Yes please.

Great picture of The Strid a @OPOTY winner and place of my childhood HT @yezzer

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How have very nice NPM tshirt after crowdfunding support, but should have said no to tshirt as UK import duty for package was £17:30

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Hacking in @hapijs and loving this #hapiswagger + #joi combo for API documentation #flawless

@gitkitty nice to hear you enjoyed using #hapiswagger + #joi makes it worth putting the effort in when you get nice feedback

  • joi makes
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@glennjones I just found hapi-swagger on github ... it looks very cool! Does it support the 2.0 swagger spec or just 1.2 version

@emcpadden glad you like hapi-swagger, just about to start on 2.0 swagger spec support, may take a little while : )

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@glennjones No problem Glenn, looking forward to it!
In reply to this conservation:
Any way in hapi-swagger to skip an endpoint. Need to skip the file upload endpoints.

@daveymackintosh been away for a couple weeks so missed msg, try latest version has basic file upload or tags for grouping endpoints

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New version of hapi-swagger v0.6.4 with much requested file upload support

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@glennjones "hapi-swagger" sounds like the latest teen smartphone craze...
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What happened to Web Intents?… - **my personal** recollection and thoughts only 3 years late
@glennjones Called it how I saw it back then. Was still surprised when it didn't just ship, warts and all, though. @Paul_Kinlan

@richtibbett @Paul_Kinlan browser API designs is very hard to get right, look at AppCache

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@glennjones @richtibbett also, I dont think the Android intent ecosystem is as used as people think it is. Most inter apps is just SEND
@glennjones @richtibbett the rest is functionality of the system.
In reply to this conservation:
What happened to Web Intents?… - **my personal** recollection and thoughts only 3 years late
@glennjones Called it how I saw it back then. Was still surprised when it didn't just ship, warts and all, though. @Paul_Kinlan

@richtibbett I was also surprised did not ship. I still think some of use cases are valid, reading @Paul_Kinlan postmortem call was right

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@glennjones @richtibbett oh yeah, I was surprised too, but we had also burnt a lot of cycles on it and didn't get amazingly far
@glennjones @Paul_Kinlan FWIW here's my post-morterm the (mostly UX) concerns listed…. All APIs are *hard*.
@richtibbett @glennjones huh, I think I missed that mail. Obv happy to help.

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