
In reply to this conservation:
Going to demo at - looking forward to showing it, even though its still early beta
@glennjones How’s things? What’s transmat?! Also, a heads up - typos in ‘reuse’ and ‘digital’ on the site.
@PaulEustice I am fine, is a project I have been working on for last 9 months - post about it next couple of days
@glennjones @PaulEustice You're aware that Transmat is the name of the techno label founded by Derrick May back in the '80s, right?:)

@PugRallye @PaulEustice also the name of a device in Dr Who for the transfer of matter, you have got to love whose two cross references

‐ Also on:
In reply to this conservation:
Going to demo at - looking forward to showing it, even though its still early beta
@glennjones How’s things? What’s transmat?! Also, a heads up - typos in ‘reuse’ and ‘digital’ on the site.

@PaulEustice I am fine, is a project I have been working on for last 9 months - post about it next couple of days

‐ Also on:
@glennjones @PaulEustice You're aware that Transmat is the name of the techno label founded by Derrick May back in the '80s, right?:)
@PugRallye @PaulEustice also the name of a device in Dr Who for the transfer of matter, you have got to love whose two cross references
In reply to this conservation:
Going to demo at - looking forward to showing it, even though its still early beta
@glennjones How’s things? What’s transmat?! Also, a heads up - typos in ‘reuse’ and ‘digital’ on the site.

@pauleustice @rektide thanks for the heads up, got by my proofreader

‐ Also on:

Going to demo at - looking forward to showing it, even though its still early beta

‐ Also on:
@glennjones "collect and resuse [sic] your content"
@glennjones How’s things? What’s transmat?! Also, a heads up - typos in ‘reuse’ and ‘digital’ on the site.
@pauleustice @rektide thanks for the heads up, got by my proofreader
@PaulEustice I am fine, is a project I have been working on for last 9 months - post about it next couple of days
@glennjones @PaulEustice You're aware that Transmat is the name of the techno label founded by Derrick May back in the '80s, right?:)
@PugRallye @PaulEustice also the name of a device in Dr Who for the transfer of matter, you have got to love whose two cross references

Just signup to as a remote participants, loved to have gone again, but flight costs too much in Jun #indieweb

‐ Also on:

Unique Star Wars AT-ST Walker Cardboard Costume - just watch the video

‐ Also on:

Googles Structured Data Markup Helper is interesting tool, shows you how to add metadata to html, but its selection UI falls a little short

‐ Also on:

I have read @baconmeteor Beyond Tellerrand talk 3x, really like internets memory bit. Highly recommend read

‐ Also on:

Just signed up for the Indie Tech Summit in brighton - designs, code, social entrepreneurship and activism!

‐ Also on:

Note to self: when deploying to dump the node version up/down to get any new npm packages to install or swear a lot at broken app

‐ Also on:
@glennjones Would the --force-npm-install option work for you?

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