
Spent the day building bee hive from a kit. Sometimes it good to do other things : )

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Trying to make a online purchase - 6 calls to fraud detection, 1 to site and 8 goes at the transaction. Card payment UX on the web is broken

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@jameswragg what the name ofthe chilli sauce we tried

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@glennjones sorry for delay, got back last night from Croatia & nearly missed your tweet! Burning Sensation from Chilli Pepper Pete's, yum!
In reply to this conservation:
Backing up blog and came across this 2006 interview with @adactio about @dconstruct… making feel warm about web 2.0 :)

@adactio made me laugh out loud. Now listening to @andybudd web 2.0 talk… from the 2005. Strangely dated and cuurent

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@glennjones "You should get on Yahoo Mail Beta its fantastic!" says @andybudd - how times have moved on, ;) plenty ajax though
@adactio @glennjones @andybudd At the end of that recording, I ask the very first question at a @dconstruct conference. About microformats.

Backing up blog and came across this 2006 interview with @adactio about @dconstruct… making feel warm about web 2.0 :)

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@adactio made me laugh out loud. Now listening to @andybudd web 2.0 talk… from the 2005. Strangely dated and cuurent
@glennjones "You should get on Yahoo Mail Beta its fantastic!" says @andybudd - how times have moved on, ;) plenty ajax though
@adactio @glennjones @andybudd At the end of that recording, I ask the very first question at a @dconstruct conference. About microformats.

Found 'JSON API' plug-in for WordPress try - adds nice data portability to WordPress CMS

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@larister done a write up on Google's Polymer aka (Web Components)+… parts of this project are pretty interesting

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In reply to this conservation:
Looking at how to add to new blog - going to be interesting time designing and coding it cc @indiewebcamp

@pfefferle @indiewebcamp Looks interesting how do I install it, just use the zip from github or do I need to package it in someway ?

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@glennjones you have to unpack the zip into the plugins folder and activate it through the plugins menu… that's it /cc @indiewebcamp
@glennjones and don't forget to use mf2 markup in your theme /cc @indiewebcamp

Looking at how to add to new blog - going to be interesting time designing and coding it cc @indiewebcamp

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@pfefferle @indiewebcamp Looks interesting how do I install it, just use the zip from github or do I need to package it in someway ?
@glennjones you have to unpack the zip into the plugins folder and activate it through the plugins menu… that's it /cc @indiewebcamp
@glennjones and don't forget to use mf2 markup in your theme /cc @indiewebcamp

Interesting slide deck on html5 security realities… an area I need to learn more about.

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