
We just made live the first chinese language site on the @madgex jobboard platform. Hope to see more

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Trying to copy text on a page where the Javascript is rebuilding the DOM every few ms! Can not even copy the sourcecode, maybe screenshot

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Made it to Düsseldorf, looking forward to a full weekend of @indiewebcamp chats and a little bit of building indie stuff.

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@btconf Looking forward to it, first trip out of UK for a year. Thanks for tweet last week, nice gentle push to get my act together : )

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@glennjones that's your personal reminder service not to miss out ;)
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@glennjones just saw that you are coming to Düsseldorf :) I’m really looking forward to meet again!

@bastianallgeier had to leaving booking very late this year, but looking forward to been in Düsseldorf for @indiewebcamp this weekend

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Boilerplate @hapijs API, Github logon with JWT to access endpoints and a auto built swagger based UI

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I have been playing with JSON Web Tokens at for last couple of days and I really growing on me. #jwt-

  • jwt-
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Just signed up for ticket to how could I not when my degree was about 3D materials design and craft
@glennjones Interesting, Glenn! Didn't know that. :)

@jkphl Majored in furniture and minored in ceramics, lots of skills I gained helped me move though information architecture into coding

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"12% people apply for jobs from the comfort of their bed" - UX research testing my assumptions again. - @madgex

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Just signed up for ticket to how could I not when my degree was about 3D materials design and craft

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@glennjones Interesting, Glenn! Didn't know that. :)

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