Looking at lots random of social media site profiles today (research), the output of humanity is strange and wonderful thing !
Doing a bit of research on now common the use rel="author" and rel="publisher" on blogging platforms. Looks like author is been used a lot.
Trying to find a undocumented method argument in one of my libraries, need to update the docs. I known its in this code. #eatingowndogfood
Trying out the search engine, meet the guys who are building it last night at @WiredSussex event
Such a busy day, was going to buy a @geeksphone but by the time I got round to it they have sold out : (
Frist day at @Brandwatch looking forward to starting a very interesting project
One of the only benefit of waking up so earlier on trip to US is that I get to see the sun rise. Just starting in Las Vegas
Welcome to Las Vegas, short change by taxi driver, on the plus side free upgrade to a suite at the hotel
If there was ever a good usecase for using AppCache to offline content then a mobile boarding card is it. @virginaltantic
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