@simnom HI Simon my girlfriend Katrina (frontend dev) is looking for a ticket. We getting them first time round glennjonesnet (at) gmail
Thanking @lnrb0b (nice man) for giving me a ticket to #responsiveconf I now owe the world one blog post of conf notes in exchange as agreed
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@lnrb0b Missed getting one at the time will take it off your hands if you cannot make it. glennjonesnet (at) gmail
@nicolovolpato forgot to say happy to give you the ticket price
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@nicolovolpato @adactio Hi I will take two if you have them
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@jameswragg @PaulEustice "I hope its a fix for GJ!" I hop GJ is Guardian Jobs and not Glenn Jones. Not sure I want fixing : )
@andybudd you guys still at the eagle
Having fun with Opera, adding a base tag with JS does not change the baseURI of a document, so I cannot use DOM to resolve urls. Any ideas?
| goes down and my coding world breaks - time for a cup tea then…
Had great early morning 10 mile walk across south downs to southease.
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