
I am a convert - Grunt with a watch on my js files and Mocha doing unit and integration testing as a save a files is a cool way to code.

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Just looked at the html for my Google+ profile and found sgn:// - so Google are using parts SGAPI idea

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Filed a bug report for a small Firefox issue. @codepo8 was right, feels a bit more productive than moaning twitter.

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In reply to this conservation:
@mattpodwysocki @glennjones whoa I wish I knew that glenns project existed a week ago!
@maxogden @glennjones yeah, it's a fun project. Was going to do this at Cascadia.js but didn't have the space. Would love to see voice cmds

@mattpodwysocki @maxogden Glad you like the kinect-drone project idea, it was real fun building it. I so need to cut time to upgrade the UI

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Good to see the Norsk 'Norwegian' version of the site is up will make @grahamleifwall smile

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Whenever I take a magnifying glass to browsers implementation of standards Opera so often impresses me, yet I still use Chrome and Firefox

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@glennjones I'm baffled by the vast differences between Chrome and Firefox search results. Google personalisation aside, it's profound.

Also did a test based comparison of browsers implementations of innerHTML string output, much better but still issues

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Just spent a little time testing innerText DOM property output. God its really badly inconsistent.

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Post party hangover and all V8 is giving me is "TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON" hash!

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@yandle setting up his Mac for his hypercard talk at #uxcb12

  • uxcb12
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