
Just added CORS support to API

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@BarnabyWalters Thanks for the heads up about the issue. Looks like it was not recovering well from lost db connection

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Enjoying building stuff with mongodb and mongoose.js. but documentation could really do with a bit of the human touch.
@glennjones Just enjoyed a pleasing yet very odd mental image of you piling up real, live Mongooses into strange, furry wall...

@KateNaylor1 OK that is a strange mental image. No I am not building a furry wall of live Mongooses. Funny idea and maybe more enjoyable : )

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Enjoying building stuff with mongodb and mongoose.js. but documentation could really do with a bit of the human touch.

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@glennjones Just enjoyed a pleasing yet very odd mental image of you piling up real, live Mongooses into strange, furry wall...
@KateNaylor1 OK that is a strange mental image. No I am not building a furry wall of live Mongooses. Funny idea and maybe more enjoyable : )
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Deleting the web intents search column from tweetdeck, sort of says it all : (

@Paul_Kinlan as you said inter web app communications is still an unsolved problem. Time to reframe rethink and try again...

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Finnaly got off my butt and ordered @briansuda Designing with Data book… - now I cannot wait for it to arrive

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@glennjones Oh yeah, working with him all last week thinking, He's good at this stuff isn't he, and forgetting he'd written that book on it.

Taking screen grabs of one of the last backnetwork sites still live, as it just about to be decommissioned.

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Deleting the web intents search column from tweetdeck, sort of says it all : (

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@Paul_Kinlan as you said inter web app communications is still an unsolved problem. Time to reframe rethink and try again...
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After quite a few days of noodling, finally achieved something resembling valid output /cc @t @glennjones @microformats

@BenWard nice, did not realise you where working on a uf2 javascript parser. Starting to put together a new test suite

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@glennjones Yep, been vaguely tracking the test suite stuff. I started hParse a year ago. Been more off than on but I’m starting to like it.

In yorkshire and thinking about pints of bitter

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