
If you missed the first round of @UXCampBrighton tickets like me don't worry a second round is coming soon #uxcb12

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Madgex site now in Danish and Swedish -

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Updated elsewhere-profiles node.js module that aggregator social media profile.… it powers site

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Added MongoDB caching to site should speed up calls to API

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What a fun full on four days at @fullfrontalconf and @NodeCopter thank you @rem and all that helped put these events on. I had a great time

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No... Some else's drone flew into coke bottle on my desk and its contents went into my laptop

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About to head over to @NodeCopter brighton - drone, 3 laptops, 2 gamespad, tablet, kinect and lots of cables - things I have got everything

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Its @fullfrontalconf time! looking forward to a day full of javascript, fish and chips and beer. What else could you ask of life?

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@glennjones I’ve got a list as long as your arm, but that sounds like a good start. See you there
In reply to this conservation:
Just shown the new version ident engine. - not quite finnshed, but feels good to replace the google social graph api
@glennjones great demo. How long does it take to build a ident profile? (Been hammering your server)

@mrgnrdrck should take between 2 to 20 seconds depends on graph size. A few hundred ms once it cached

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@glennjones I am trying the combined profile demo with my twitter url, and it seems to never finish

Just shown the new version ident engine. - not quite finnshed, but feels good to replace the google social graph api

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@glennjones great demo. How long does it take to build a ident profile? (Been hammering your server)
@mrgnrdrck should take between 2 to 20 seconds depends on graph size. A few hundred ms once it cached
@glennjones I am trying the combined profile demo with my twitter url, and it seems to never finish

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