Experiments in Data Portability
I have post a screencast with video’s of the demo’s and synced audio from the podcast
On Tuesday, I gave a skillswap talk about some of the experimental work I have been engaged in. For the last few months I have had a growing interest in the current data portability design patterns used in social media sites. As we start to see the maturing of the earlier technologies such as OpenID and growth of some exciting new ones like OAuth and XRDS-Simple, focus is moving to the user experience. Through this presentation I try to look at current patterns of data portability that could be implemented now and look at some of the lessons that could be leant from the early adopters.
I showed some of what is currently possible using the Google Social Graph API coupled with a Microformats parser in a little application called theSocial Network Explorer. The other major demo was my work on a Microformats API which makes use of OAuth to provide user controlled release of private data.
Finally I asked the question do we really own our data in the same way as we own other property. If the value of data decays over time should we be looking more at systems which make use of attention metrics.
Skillswap has always been a vibrant part of the Brighton web scene and it was great to finally get around to giving a talk having listened to many great skillwap talks in the past. Bruce also gave a great talk on OAuth and issues around the password anti-pattern.
James Box will be releasing a podcast of the audio soon.
URL’s for topic in the presentation
- Madgex Labs /> http://lab.madgex.com/
- Backnetwork /> http://lab.backnetwork.com/
- Microformats Parsers /> http://microformats.org/wiki/parsers
- Microformats Parser – Optimus – XSLT /> http://microformatique.com/optimus/
- Microformats Parser – Cognition – Perl /> http://buzzword.org.uk/cognition/
- Google Social Graph API /> http://socialgraph.apis.google.com/
- Social Graph Node Mapper /> http://code.google.com/p/google-sgnodemapper/
- URI-Template /> http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-gregorio-uritemplate-03
- XRDS-simple /> http://xrds-simple.net/core/1.
- Portable Contacts API /> http://portablecontacts.net/
- APML /> http://www.apml.org/
- TasteBroker experimental API for APML /> http://tastebroker.org/
- APML JSON Tag Cloud /> http://bmn.name/examples/apml/