New node.js microformats parser - microformat-node

I have built a node.js microformats parser, it is based on my previous javascript parsing code. It has been packaged up so you can easily be add to your projects using npm.

Source code: /> Test server :


npm install microformat-node


git clone
cd microformat-node
npm link


with URL

var shiv = require("microformat-node");

shiv.parseUrl('', {}, function(data){
    // do something with data

or with raw html

var shiv = require('microformat-node');

var html = '

Glenn Jones

'; shiv.parseHtml(html, {}, function(data){ // do something with data });

with URL for a single format

var shiv = require("microformat-node");

shiv.parseUrl('', {'format': 'XFN'}, function(data){
    // do something with data

Supported formats

Currently microformat-node supports the following formats: /> hCard, XFN, hReview, hCalendar, hAtom, hResume, geo, adr and tag. Its important to use the right case when specifying the format query string parameter.


This will return JSON. This is example of two geo microformats found in a page.

    "microformats": {
        "geo": [{
            "latitude": 37.77,
            "longitude": -122.41
        }, {
            "latitude": 37.77,
            "longitude": -122.41
    "parser-information": {
        "name": "Microformat Shiv",
        "version": "0.2.4",
        "page-title": "geo 1 - extracting singular and paired values test",
        "time": "-140ms",
        "page-http-status": 200,
        "page-url": ""

Querying demo server

Start the server binary:

$ bin/microformat-node

Then visit the server URL


Using the server API

You need to provide the url of the web page and the format(s) you wish to parse as a single value or a comma delimited list:

GET http://localhost:8888/?

You can also use the hash # fragment element of a url to target only part of a HTML page. The hash is used to target the HTML element with the same id.

Viewing the unit tests

The module inculdes a page which runs the ufxtract microfomats unit test suite.


Notes for Windows install

microformat-node using a module called ‘jsdom’ which in turn uses ‘contextify’ that requires native code build.

There are a couple of things you normally need to do to compile node code on Windows.

  1. Install python 2.6 or 2.7, as the build scripts use it
  2. Run npm inside a Visual Studio shell, so for me, Start->Programs->Microsoft Visual Studio 2010->Visual Studio Tools->Visual Studio Command Prompt

If you have the standard release of node it will probably be x86 rather than x64, for x64 there is a different Visual Studio shell but usally in same place.

  • JavaScript
  • Microformats
  • node.js
  • node.js
  • parser