Speaking Microformats at WebDD
I have an busy few weeks ahead; amongst other things I am speaking at the WebDD conference. I have picked the title “Microformats – HTML to API” for the session. I am going to start the talk with some real-world examples, exploring how you can add microformats to your sites and will show how microformats can be used to help build mash-ups and simple publishing APIs.
WebDD is a really interesting conference idea, Phil Winstanley the organiser is mixing a number of different industry groups together. The topics will cover both design and development and pull strongly from the web standards and .net community. There are not many events that have this variety of sessions.
WPF/e | Scott Guthrie |
Microformats – HTML to API | Glenn Jones |
Windows CardSpace | Barry Dorrans |
Ruby On Rails for .NET Developers | Dave Verwer |
Doing it in style: creating beautiful sites, the web standards way | Patrick Lauke |
Sneak Peek at "Orcas" | Scott Guthrie |
Quick and dirty Usability tests | Zhivko Dimitrov |
End to End Web Sites- Part 1 | Scott Guthrie |
Web Accessibility: What, Why, How, and Who Cares? | Bruce Lawson |
Unobtrusive JavaScript with Rails | Dave Verwer |
End to End Web Sites – Part 2 | Scott Guthrie |
As I attend more events I have found that I often get the most out of them by opening my mind and going along to sessions about subjects that don’t fall naturally into my working life. As someone who codes using c# and .net I would still like to known what Rails has to offer. Equally as I look closer at /> Flex 2 it will be good to here from Scott Guthrie about WPF/E” Microsoft solution for delivering rich, cross-platform applications
With Madgex both being a strong supporter of web standards and also a .net development house, I can foresee a large group of us making our way to Reading
Madgex is sponsoring the event by providing a backnetwork site. I would encourage anyone attending to sign up for a backnetwork account.