
Its been a long time unloved, but updated as I start to use my blog again

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@openai just push me onto pre-purchase credits. Time to start looking into moving fine-tuning over to open models. Seems short sighted when more options are opening up

On my way to @edinburghjs for a talk on Netlify by @philhawksworth Feels new and a blast from the past at the same time.

Off to Tech Meetup Edinburgh tonight - "Hacking ChatGPT" by Dan Llewellyn -

New blog post on "Hosting multiple Node.js sites on Scaleway with Nginx and Lets Encrypt"

Its that time again, box up my few old web sites and move on to another hosting platform -

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Reading a legal paper - directors: "each of whom shall be a natural person" people really are scared the robots are taking over

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Putting devices on VPN passing through Iceland. Protecting my privacy from my own government. Sad day that I feel have to do it. UK Subject

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One reason for not showing other code is we don't have the visual stylistic cues like 'sketch' or 'wireframe' that de-marks experimentation

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Thought kids party metaphor in Dave Snowden #uxbri talk on the use ordered and complex sytems in management was great

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