
Replied to a item on twitter

@sl007 thanks for taking the time to post fixes for updated version on npm

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Its amazing how viral Promises are becoming in Javascript. They start in the browser APIs and infect your code. Weather you like them or not

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Taking a closer look at Google's sw-toolbox, so built a tiny example maybe of use to others

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Think we will see a lot more work on virtual DOM's unless browsers give us UI-less access to DOM APIs in web workers, service workers etc.

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Found @RollupJS very easy workflow understand. Help by good intro video's from @jlengstorf

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Had a play with @RollupJS today and bundled up @hapijs router for use in browser

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Went to see The Dandy Lion Project photo exhibit today well worth a visit

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Getting my head around Firefox addons again! So need to start doing video's to my future self on tech I have used before. Total Recall style

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Replied to a item on twitter

@adactio I will get something demo-able together over next few days and get back to you. If it all works out, should be interesting

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@adactio think that service worker chat at @indiewebcamp is turning into the seed of a nice cache first stragegy library for document sites

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