
Hapi Workshop repo should be usefully to anyone interested in learning @hapijs -

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Post event update for my Hapi Workshop

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@glennjones look forward to reading through it, been working on a simple kanban board by adapting the workshop code
@andycbriggs great, nice to see someone building things, drop me a line if you have any questions
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@xaviemirmon sorry I missed your talk, miscommunication between k and me meant I could not make it. Hope it went well
@glennjones not to worry it's not until next Saturday

@xaviemirmon that's so funny, got in a bad mood for with myself for messing up timing and it was not even the right day!

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@xaviemirmon sorry I missed your talk, miscommunication between k and me meant I could not make it. Hope it went well

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@glennjones not to worry it's not until next Saturday
@xaviemirmon that's so funny, got in a bad mood for with myself for messing up timing and it was not even the right day!
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@glennjones it's a long shot but I am presenting next Saturday at @dc_brighton if you're free to come out

@xaviemirmon I will try pop along for your session #drupalcampbrighton

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Just published new release of hapi-swagger for v0.8.0 of @hapijs -

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A move that makes a complete of sense @brandwatch buy @peerindex to strength author influence data. Look forward to seeing the results

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Great to see @fireflyteam story in the guardian this saturday

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UX people into qualitative research maybe interested in this software from a friend, its worth watching the 5min video

Have a pint after @hapijs workshop, good turn out. Hope people got something out of it. May spend next days refactoring examples

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