
All the places for Async Special: Hapi.js Workshop taken, now busy building code examples @asyncjs

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@glennjones will mongo 2.6.x cause issues for your workshop?

@rem I am going to test code across Mungodb versions in next couple of days, should not be an issues, will let you known if it is

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Only 4 places left… for Hapi.js workshop on building your own APIs
@glennjones boom. @Julieanne is doing magic with our kids to let me come along. Plus it’s our 18 year anniversary…

@rem that's good news and really nice of @Julieanne with it being your 18th anniversary

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Only 4 places left for Hapi.js workshop on building your own APIs

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@glennjones boom. @Julieanne is doing magic with our kids to let me come along. Plus it’s our 18 year anniversary…
@rem that's good news and really nice of @Julieanne with it being your 18th anniversary

@electric_g @nathanbuckley @OrganicPanda @osilviotti @Binarytales -

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@glennjones I'm there. Thanks for putting this on Glen. Been thinking of dipping my toes into Hapi for while and this will be a great start.
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Asyncjs Special - Hapi.js Workshop… on how build APIs -  cc @rem
@glennjones what time does it run to? really want to go, but Saturdays is family, plus it’s our 18 year anniversary (and Btn centre booked)

@rem timing not so good for you then, sorry - its in the afternoon between 1-5pm - lot to cover plus a break so it 4hrs long

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@glennjones okay. I’m trying to work it out. Definitely want to come along.

Asyncjs Special - Hapi.js Workshop on how build APIs - cc @rem

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@glennjones what time does it run to? really want to go, but Saturdays is family, plus it’s our 18 year anniversary (and Btn centre booked)
@rem timing not so good for you then, sorry - its in the afternoon between 1-5pm - lot to cover plus a break so it 4hrs long
@glennjones okay. I’m trying to work it out. Definitely want to come along.
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brighton js people - interested in a 1/2 day free workshop on building node API's using @hapijs - enough people interested I will do it
@glennjones Would be interested! Although I’m a node.js beginner, does that matter?

@jameswragg frontend devs who understand javascript will be able follow along. So yes workshop good for node.js beginners

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brighton js people - interested in a 1/2 day free workshop on building node API's using @hapijs - enough people interested I will do it

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@glennjones @hapijs definitely, and I know a couple of other people who would be too
@glennjones Would be interested! Although I’m a node.js beginner, does that matter?
@jameswragg frontend devs who understand javascript will be able follow along. So yes workshop good for node.js beginners
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I like JSONSchema, its an open standard, but keeps">@hapijs keeps getting better, its  great JSON validation tool

@rem was thinking about your tweet - how about 1/2 day free workshop on how to build APIs with @hapijs, would you be interested?

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