Just released a new microformats 2 parser. Bet you are thinking microformats are so 2006 : ), but this is worth a look http://glennjones.net/2013/01/brand-new-microformats-2-parser/… 12 years ago ‐ Also on: Twitter | Favourite Retweet Reply Likes vbehar favorited this colmbritton favorited this m0rk favorited this pdxwifimap favorited this bryckbost favorited this robmorrissey favorited this mstepniowski favorited this devevangelist favorited this mahemoff favorited this Mentions: @glennjones: I'll bite, but only because the tweet was so cleverly crated, it perfectly anticipated my line of thoughts. Old can be good. :) 12 years ago – Stephane Daury on twitter