In reply to this conservation: Into node.js or js, goto “Objects are the API, stupid!” talk Using shared observed objects for db binding and clusters 12 years ago – Glenn Jones on twitter @glennjones it would be interesting but or some reason planned for the only day of the year where if I went out I would be shot. 12 years ago – Chris Adams on twitter @csadams Shame, going to be a good, I got "shows how unromantic you are, helping setup a JS meet up on 14th Feb" 12 years ago – Glenn Jones on twitter @glennjones @csadams Running a JS meet up on valentines day - classic! :) 12 years ago – Paul Eustice on twitter @PaulEustice It was may response that got me in real trouble "14th too expense anyway, we can do something later when things cost less" : ) 12 years ago ‐ Also on: Twitter | Favourite Retweet Reply Mentions: @glennjones Haha I bet Katrina loved that!! 12 years ago – Paul Eustice on twitter