Looking at writing UX http://medium.com, http://iawriter.com - anyone know other clean and compact editing experiences to look at

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@glennjones http://www.ommwriter.com is an early one that I used. Minimal UI, mellow sounds interesting inputs.
@glennjones I enjoy markdown in my favourite editor, and a markdown preview app occasionally
@glennjones I use Bean on OSX, it's a free, cut down writing program. Not too minimalist, nice default set of information displayed
@glennjones Mou, Ullyses III and Marked (on Mac App Store) are all interesting. I'm keen to play with StackEdit too: http://benweet.github.io/stackedit/
List of surggestion people gave for clean and compact writing apps - http://onword.co/4818 thanks everyone for the pointers