In reply to this conservation:
Having fun playing Moves data and mapping it, I really need to get outside of central Brighton more often!
@glennjones That is quite a disclosure of data you just made! A lot could be inferred from that map.
@MartinDigon did think about what I was disclosing, at this scale the image blurs exact location, no js map which can zoom, plus just moved
@glennjones Possibly possible to infer your old street, and some may wonder about the obvious pattern of visits to Duke's Mound area. :)

@MartinDigon 'obvious pattern of visits to Duke's Mound ' LOL -people see what they want in data, coloured by their view of the world ; )

‐ Also on:
@glennjones Whatever that attractor is near the Marina, it must be worth a lot of hiking up and down over Hanover! ;)