
Looking forward tonights @asyncjs - build a few parsers, hoping to pick up some new ideas

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Yet another small fixes upgrade for hapi-swagger v 0.1.11 on npm - the pull request keep coming

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@tomkissI used and there map styling tool Tilemill - this blog post explains how

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In reply to this conservation:
Having fun playing Moves data and mapping it, I really need to get outside of central Brighton more often!

@mikestreety I used and there map styling tool Tilemill - this blog post explains how

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In reply to this conservation:
Having fun playing Moves data and mapping it, I really need to get outside of central Brighton more often!
@glennjones That is quite a disclosure of data you just made! A lot could be inferred from that map.
@MartinDigon did think about what I was disclosing, at this scale the image blurs exact location, no js map which can zoom, plus just moved
@glennjones Possibly possible to infer your old street, and some may wonder about the obvious pattern of visits to Duke's Mound area. :)

@MartinDigon 'obvious pattern of visits to Duke's Mound ' LOL -people see what they want in data, coloured by their view of the world ; )

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@glennjones Whatever that attractor is near the Marina, it must be worth a lot of hiking up and down over Hanover! ;)
Replied to a item on twitter

@MartinDigon did think about what I was disclosing, at this scale the image blurs exact location, no js map which can zoom, plus just moved

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Interested in mapping your Moves data @heyitsgarrett wrote about how to do it easily with Tilemill

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On the plus side Moves has provided good data export, time to start writing an importer into my own data site #indieweb  

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Not happy that Moves has been acquired by facebook says they will not "commingle" data, whatever that means

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@glennjones Couldn't agree more. Very sad to wake up to that email today. I'd have been happy to pay had they asked.

@JaneFoth should get first honey in couple of months, making mead has got to be tried, although I am not a fan - honeys more for my toast

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