
Just found JSON Diff - it compare two JSON strings, very useful for my parser work -

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Doing a @asyncjs talk on HAPI - a node.js framework designed to provide the perfect foundation for API's. @hapijs

@rockytriton HAPI - but I am still using both, HAPI has the upper hand for sites where the consumers are other computers

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Doing a @asyncjs talk on HAPI - a node.js framework designed to provide the perfect foundation for API's. @hapijs

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@rockytriton HAPI - but I am still using both, HAPI has the upper hand for sites where the consumers are other computers

Setting up site this morning for our latest refurbishment. @madgex new offices on their way.

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At Taylor St talking about microformats parsing with @t @adactio @tommorris

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@t if your still in Brighton, it would be good to meet for a coffee and go through mircoformats2 so I can update parsers cc @barnabywalters

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@glennjones How have you been getting on with the HTC? I'm considering buying one, but might wait until stock Android version reaches UK

@PaulEustice HTC One hardware is great. The HTC Sense wrap of the UI sometimes gets in the way. For you I think stock Android

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@glennjones Exactly my thoughts. Fantastic hardware. While sense is quite nice, I don't want to root device to remove Blinkfeed crap!
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@glennjones They all went off independently. Hah!

@andyhume very fun - decentreised drinking was the order of the night

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@IndieWebCampUK where did you guys end up?

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@glennjones the group has been dwindling after each stop, a few of us are now at the myhotel bar! #indiewebcampuk (
@glennjones there's a small group at the myHotel bar.

#indeiwebcamp where did you guys go?

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@glennjones They all went off independently. Hah!
@andyhume very fun - decentreised drinking was the order of the night

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