
Had a great time at #indiewebcamp, blog post will follow, once I have fixed all the damage I have done to my blog - too much hacking :)

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A day hacking and all I have is bits on of things that don't work - back the the drawing board for me

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Great demos and conversation at #indeiwebcamp today, so going to build webmentions into my blog in the morning

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Forgot to say in #indiewebcamp intro of my new blog that I pick the domain name for data site after

@pfefferle yes your right tweetdeck autocorrect strikes again

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Forgot to say in #indiewebcamp intro of my new blog that I pick the domain name for data site after

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@pfefferle yes your right tweetdeck autocorrect strikes again

Really looking forward todays @IndieWebCamp event should be lots of interesting conversation and hacking around data ownership

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@yandle @rem @Dennisimo @phuunet @gilescolborne @jasonmesut @jot @vivdoc @richardcaddick @aroncarroll yes, see you there

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@glennjones A bit delayed, but it was good to meet you on Wednesday. :)

@PaulAdamDavis Yes, hopefully we get to meet again and talk web over beers

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Not how I wanted to start the day DSN account hacked and web server host having problems - don't they know it @dconstruct conf today?

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At the Wagon & Horses having a post conf drink, hoping to catch up with people

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