
Had to cut out FirefoxOS app hackday early feeling a bit ruff. Its great to see how far its come. Using Web Activities API was interesting

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In bus replacement hell, trains between brighton and london not happening. Going to be late for FirefoxOS App hacking event. : (
@glennjones I’m doing the same (not to that event). What time’s your bus?

@phuunet now waiting for it to leave the back carpark

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@glennjones Ah ok, I’m ok a later one. Really annoying.

Not only is the bus slower, you cannot use the time to code. I like coding on trains I always seem to get a lot done and the journey fly by

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In bus replacement hell, trains between brighton and london not happening. Going to be late for FirefoxOS App hacking event. : (

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@glennjones I’m doing the same (not to that event). What time’s your bus?
@phuunet now waiting for it to leave the back carpark
@glennjones Ah ok, I’m ok a later one. Really annoying.

Looking forward to tonight's async.js talk on FirefireOS

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Trying out some of the auto JS testing ideas @almostobsolete talked about at @asyncjs test event - - like iframe idea

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@glennjones @asyncjs great to hear! Let me know how you get on...
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Wondering if @uxbri are out for a drink after tonights event?
@glennjones absolutely, at the fountain head. And it’s my birthday drinks too!

@phuunet you moved on or I am blind

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@glennjones oh sorry, not there yet! The last last has 5 minutes left so we won’t be long. @rem might be nearby.
@phuunet I'm still home - figured I was crashing a the party a little anyway. Happy birthday chap - hope the talk went well.

Wondering if @uxbri are out for a drink after tonights event?

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@glennjones absolutely, at the fountain head. And it’s my birthday drinks too!
@glennjones oh sorry, not there yet! The last last has 5 minutes left so we won’t be long. @rem might be nearby.
@phuunet I'm still home - figured I was crashing a the party a little anyway. Happy birthday chap - hope the talk went well.

Xmas is over then?

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@benward Added mocha.js browser test to microformat 2 test suite and linked in your hParse lib to see what happen !

@BenWard 89 passes and 112 fails. I am still working on the tests vs spec so the errors could be mine : ) download it and try hparse-v2.html

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@glennjones Well, it's not feature complete and doesn't support all of the vocabs referenced in the source, so I'm quite pleased with that!

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