
In reply to this conservation:

@t Thank's for the shout about the parser. Really starting to like microformats2. Half way through library for browser add-ons/extensions

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Into node.js or js, goto “Objects are the API, stupid!” talk Using shared observed objects for db binding and clusters
@glennjones it would be interesting but or some reason planned for the only day of the year where if I went out I would be shot.
@csadams Shame, going to be a good, I got "shows how unromantic you are, helping setup a JS meet up on 14th Feb"
@glennjones @csadams Running a JS meet up on valentines day - classic! :)

@PaulEustice It was may response that got me in real trouble "14th too expense anyway, we can do something later when things cost less" : )

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In reply to this conservation:
Into node.js or js, goto “Objects are the API, stupid!” talk Using shared observed objects for db binding and clusters
@glennjones it would be interesting but or some reason planned for the only day of the year where if I went out I would be shot.

@csadams Shame, going to be a good, I got "shows how unromantic you are, helping setup a JS meet up on 14th Feb"

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@glennjones @csadams Running a JS meet up on valentines day - classic! :)
@PaulEustice It was may response that got me in real trouble "14th too expense anyway, we can do something later when things cost less" : )

Next speaker at is my bro, he use to code interpreters, virtual machines and parallel processing engines for Intel !

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Into node.js or js, goto “Objects are the API, stupid!” talk Using shared observed objects for db binding and clusters

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@glennjones it would be interesting but or some reason planned for the only day of the year where if I went out I would be shot.
@csadams Shame, going to be a good, I got "shows how unromantic you are, helping setup a JS meet up on 14th Feb"
@glennjones @csadams Running a JS meet up on valentines day - classic! :)
@PaulEustice It was may response that got me in real trouble "14th too expense anyway, we can do something later when things cost less" : )

Looking at how much browsers move the DOM tree around when you put a illegal tags inside another. A lot more than I thought

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hapi a node.js framework for building APIs looks interesting. Added to my list of things to test out.

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The has nice microformats 2 markup it parse well … - nice work @alexduloz

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Just released a new microformats 2 parser. Bet you are thinking microformats are so 2006 : ), but this is worth a look

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@glennjones: I'll bite, but only because the tweet was so cleverly crated, it perfectly anticipated my line of thoughts. Old can be good. :)

That said I think FirefoxOS, needs to stack apps when a user fires inter app communication. Otherwise UX can feel a bit dead ended at points

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